【寒冬送暖】感恩節食品募捐 Thanksgiving Food Drive

1. 罐頭食品:肉/魚類罐頭、蔬菜/水果罐頭、花生醬、果醬等。
2. 主食:米、麵條、義大利麵、麵粉等。
3. 食用油:蔬菜油、花生油、橄欖油等。
4. 調味料(醬料):糖、鹽、胡椒、大蒜粉、各種香料和醬料。


11/17 發放給本教會有需要的個人和家庭。
11/24 發放給本教會及教會以外有需要的個人和家庭;若有剩餘,本教會的成員可以把食品帶給那些有需要的人。

Thanksgiving Food Drive:
Donations needed: Unexpired, unopened, unspoiled, and non-perishable food.
1. Canned food: canned meat/fish, canned veggies/ fruits, peanut butter, jams, etc.
2. Staple food: rice, wheat noodles, pasta, flour, etc.
3. Cooking oil: vegetable oil, peanut oil, olive oil, etc.
4. Seasonings: sugar, salt, black pepper, garlic powder, herbs, spices, or condiments.

When: 10/20/24 – 11/10/24 (every Sunday)
Drop-Off Location: Activity Room next to Sanctuary

Release Date and Target:
11/17 Distribute to church members and families in need.
11/24 Distribute to church members and families in needed. If there are any leftovers, church members can give them to neighbors or people in need.
After 11/24 Donate leftovers, if any, to food banks.

Categories: 告示, 社區
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